Paint Removers and Paint Strippers

Paint removers are also known as paint strippers because their function is primarily to loosen up the bond between the substrate and the existing coat of paint so that the top coat of old paint or varnish can be stripped off and make way for a new layer of finish. These chemical paint strippers are made of strong corrosive solvents that are able to soften the paint structure such that it blisters off the metal or wood surface for easier removal.

Paint Removers: When do you use them

While it is not always necessary to remove existing old paint layers when it comes to repainting over a previously painted surface, paint removers are required for surfaces with existing severely flaky or peeling paint and corrosive metal surfaces.

The objective of using paint strippers for flaky surfaces is to prepare it well so that the new coat of paint can adhere well and make the finishing coat last longer. It is also to ensure that the newly painted surface is smooth without any visible pits and bumps that are not only unsightly but will compromise the quality and the longevity of the painting job over time.

Anti-Rust Primer Sealer Paints

Rusty surfaces in metals are common for metallic outdoor installations such as auto-gates and exterior window grilles. If repainting them is required, paint removers are mostly needed if they show signs of weathering under the existing paint layer, in the metal substrate itself. The application of an anti-corrosive sealer primer is necessary before the new paint is applied.

The Paint Removal Process & Paint Removing Tools

The paint removal process is a laborious one so it does not come cheap if you engage this service. Further, using a chemical paint remover can be dangerous for users who are not careful with handling it since it is corrosive and acidic by nature.

Firstly, sound preparation at the job site must be carried out. This is especially so for outdoors because you want to make sure that the environment in which you work is as dust-free as possible. If the weather is windy on that day, professional painters may even postpone the job as winds may carry dust and specks that stick to the painted surface while it is still wet.

Next is to remove the existing paint coat. There are several methods of removing old paints and these include using heat guns, chemical paint strippers or, depending on the condition, you may just need to manually use putty knives or scraping tools to scrape away the old layer of paint.

The next step is to wash or clean off any excessive loose paint from the surface. If the surface is a rusty metal, include an anti-rust primer paint; it can be spray or hand painted. Hand painting in this case is more effective since this way is intricate enough to fill up any small holes, cracks or crevices that sometimes spray painting may not be as efficient in doing. This is to prevent the metal from being exposed to oxidation in the air and corrode further.

Finally, you need at least two coats of enamel paint finish to complete the painting job.

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